martedì 27 febbraio 2007

Donne di ieri e... di oggi (2)

Da "Angela, 24 anni, ha vinto il concorso russo di bellezza online "Miss Virtual Yakutia". Ma la miss si è dimostrata "troppo" virtuale: si chiama Oleg ed è un uomo. La truffa è stata svelata dallo stesso Oleg, che ha pubblicato sul sito tutte le fasi del trucco"

So già di sforare nel più bieco maschilismo, ma quando si dice che non ci sono più le donne di una volta...

Donne di ieri e... di oggi (1)

Ecco come doveva apparire Thea, una donna del Paleolitico vissuta in Sicilia 14 mila anni fa e recentemente ricostruita. Direi che qualche passo avanti è stato fatto.
Dio salvi il Botox

sabato 3 febbraio 2007

Writing a chess engine 3: board representations

[Update: you can find a new version of this post on ]
Many of you have mailed me to say thank you about this column. Thank you too! But there's a better way to say "Thanks" by adding a link to this blog in your blog/website
To be continued (next FEN notation)

venerdì 2 febbraio 2007

Writing a chess engine 2: chess engine's anatomy

[Update: you can find a new version of this post on ]

Many of you have mailed me to say thank you about this column. Thank you too! But there's a better way to say "Thanks" by adding a link to this blog in your blog/website
To be continued... (next board representation)

giovedì 1 febbraio 2007

Writing a chess engine 1: to choose a programming language

[Update: you can find a new version of this on ]

Some people mail me to ask how to write a chess engine. So i thought to write some columns to help them. From today i'm going to write a short description about writing a simple chess engine. First of all: English isn't my first language, so if you find mistakes, please sorry and mail me: i'll fix them.
In this column we'll talking about which is the best programming language to write a chess engine. The answer is simple: "The one you know best!". There are engines written in C++, C, Java, Delphi/Pascal, Visual Basic, Assembly...
Mizar is written in C.
From the web you can download a lot of source code and a lot of free compilers or IDE.
About C/C++ i suggest:
After that i suggest to use program like CVS to implement revision control.
Many of you have mailed me to say thank you about this column. Thank you too! But there's a better way to say "Thanks" by adding a link to this blog in your blog/website
To be continued... (next chess engine anatomy)

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